
       My name is Gabriel. I was born in Taipei, and stayed there until I was two years old. Then I moved to an ancient and cultural city, Tainan. Finishing my study in Tainan Second Senior High School, I was fortunately enrolled in Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University in Chiayi. I used to live with my mother and father, who passed away in the last summer of my high school. I have an older brother, who lives in the north, and he is exactly the man who made me want to major in engineering. I have always respected him, because of his wide knowledge in science.

Professional Study

      In Chung Cheng University, I solidify the basis of my knowledge in engineering, and confirm my future goals. I find that I am especially interested in the motion of objects, like dynamics and mechanical vibration. In order to strengthen my knowledge in mathematical analysis, I am taking the course "finite element analysis" this semester, and planing to take "numerical method" next semester. After entering a graduate school, I will take the advice of my academic advisor's and the research goal into consideration, and then decide what kind of courses to take.  In addition, the advanced and non-mechanics related courses, like optics and modern physics, also expand my cognition in science, making my professional knowledge more general.

Senior Design Project

        At first the research team I belonged to expected to observe the abnormal vibration in a machine and be able to predict if a real machine would fail with some abnormal noise or oscillation. However, after working for a semester, we failed to build up a standard spectrum of the simulating machine, which we could refer to as in normal situation. Therefore, after discussing with our academic advisor, my teammate and I decided to change our subject. The subject now is to build up a system to measure roundness. So far, we have designed a simple system for the measurement, including software and hardware.

Language Learning

       When studying in senior school, I was so interested in language learning, and at that time, my dream was to learn many various languages over the world. However, I had to yield to the reality-- I was filled with exams and there were no such resources. Fortunately, English is a subject in school, so I didn't have to pay any extra fee to get access to it. Hence, I have to thank my English teachers, because it was their guide that made me able to successfully pass on Intermediate High Level in GEPT and get 885 scores in TOEIC without going to a cram school. So far, I have decided to take two one-semester Japanese language courses next year, and my objective is pass on the third level of JLPT. Considering the cooperation between Japan and Taiwan in engineering, I think taking Japanese as my second foreign language will not only fulfill my interest, but also strengthen my competitive ability.

Extracurricular Activity

         Besides the professional knowledge, I also learn to make myself more experienced in many respects. The world known Cloud Gate runs courses and performances in my school at fixed intervals. Though I didn't take their teaching course, I have been attracted by their performance since I first I noticed them. Cloud Gate's regular performance also gives scarce opportunities for me to elevate my art culture. Moreover, the TA experience in language center teaches me a lot, no matter the typesetting of a document or the points for PowerPoint files creation. What the most precious thing I learned is the alternation of my attitude. I used to be a lazy and inefficient man, and drifting along was life style. To my surprise, I now become more positive and more responsible. When working in a group, if I find others in lack of efficiency and unable to finish the work assigned, I tend to be the leader of this group, and try my best to unite other members to get things done. In order to better my English language skills and make working experiences more various, I participated in Wikimania 2007, Taipei, acting as a session assistant. My principal assignment was to direct foreign participants to where they want to go, or sometimes helped them deal with non-English speakers. I talked with many different people from different cultures in Wikimania 2007, such experience should help to improve my communication skills and enrich my global vision.

Future Goals

       Presently, I plan to keep studying for master's degree first. I am especially interested in the field of safety. After widening my professional knowledge and finishing my military service, I will devote my professional specialty and research experience to any company that needs me.

    創作者 twst 的頭像

    Je m'appelle Gabriel, et j'apprends le français.

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